There are many services that are required on daily basis. The city also caters to these needs of its citizens. The primary of the services being health, banking, transport, post office etc. These services effect the life of all the citizens of a city. All the major public utility services are discussed below.
Mandsaur Nagar Palika
Mandsaur city is governed by Nagar Palika. It plays a very important role in the development of the city. With the increase in industrialization the city demands a lot of development and hence city development plan is initiated by the civic corporation of Mandsaur. The development plan includes all the issues Mandsaur is facing or needs improvement. The major issues worked upon are the social infrastructure like health education and recreational, environment issues like air and water pollution, urban greenery, financial issues like revenue account and capital account, tourism, transport and many more. Mandsaur Nagar Palika is very effective and taking every step for the development and effective working of the city.Safety and Security in Mandsaur
Safety of any city is always kept on the top priority, hence police plays a very important role. Mandsaur is comparatively a peaceful area and the complete credit goes to the police department. Police department of Mandsaur is very alert and always ready to face challenges that may affect law and order in the region. Superintendents of Police is the top ranking officer and is responsible for law and order of the region. Police of Mandsaur is very sincere to their job and devoid themselves of the worldly joys to protect and serve the people of Mandsaur.Superintendent of Police, Mandsaur
Address- New Court Mw. Nh. Road, Mandsaur
Phone Number: 07422-255050 / 07422-244210
Phone Number: 07422-255050 / 07422-244210
Email: [email protected]
Address- City Police Station, Mandsaur
Mobile Number: 07422-244222
Police Control Room: 07422-220500
Police Line: 07422-244216
Ladies Helpline: 07422-220178
Transportation in Mandsaur
Mandsaur is located on NH-79 as well as SH-31 4 Lane road. Due to the perfect location Mandsaur is well connected by buses and other road transport with other major cities of the country. Apart from roadways Mandsaur has many trains to the major stations. It lies under Ratlam rail division of Western Railways. The city has a good network of municipal roads and state highways. The bus services in Mandsaur is looked after by Madhya Pradesh State Road Development Corporation (MPSRTC). The local transport of the city is the tempos, which can be hired at individual basis or on shared basis. Read More.........Banking Services in Mandsaur
Mandsaur is an industrialized city due to which numerous banks have their presence in this part of Madhya Pradesh. The Mandsaur is famous for the export of opium and garlic. The slate pencil industry is also widely recognized. Mandsaur has many branches of major public and private banks in india. It has branches of Axis Bank, Bank Of Baroda, Central Bank Of India, Dena Bank, Icici Bank, Hdfc Bank etc. The banks not only play an important role in day to day financial transaction and are helpful for individual needs. From home loans to educational loans, car loans etc. they provide all as per the requirement of the customers.
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Mover and Packers in Mandsaur
Movers and Packers play a very important role in shifting and relocation. Mandsaur have many domestic as well as international movers and packers for executing this cumbersome task. Relocting of complete household is a very difficult job, which is very well taken care by the movers and packers in Mandsaur. They are a team of trained and expert people who can easily pack and then can relocate your complete household anywhere within the city or outside the city.Health Care Services in Mandsaur
Mandsaur have good health facilities to deal with any emergency situation. As per UDPFI guidelines the health facilities in Mandsaur are adequate keeping in mind the population of the city. The hospitals are equipped with all the necessary medical equipments. The ambulance service is also well maintained. City is dotted with many hospitals, clinics, path labs and other health services. Not only in allopathy has Mandsaur had well developed Ayurveda and homeopathy treatment facilities. There is one government civil hospital and many private hospitals. These hospitals provide all kind of treatments and are made to deal with any emergency situation. The doctors are experienced and skilled. Even other staff like nurses, are also very skilled and take care of patients giving them a personal and friendly touch. Read More........
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